Peacemaking in Cameroon

The Cameroonian Civil War, also known as the Ambazonia War, has resulted in thousands of deaths and more than a half a million that have been forced to flee their homes.   Track 1 dialogues have now broken down and the violence continues.

The PGP is working closely with a network of local actors to implement a multi-track peace process.

Reconciliation in Canada

Through various forms of violence (direct/structural/cultural), Canadian Indigenous People continue to face ongoing hardships.  These effects are tangible including: reduced life expectancy; housing shortages; clean water shortages and access to nutritional food; decreased educational attainment and economic opportunities; and in general, lower community well-being than non-Indigenous Canadians. 

The reconciliation arm of the Peace Guerilla Project (PGP) includes ongoing efforts to contribute to meaningful reconciliation for Canadian Indigenous Peoples.  The PGP offers internal projects and collaborates with others to develop dialogue opportunities, economic reconciliation, capacity building, and other reconciliation efforts.

The PGP currently offers:

Free Facilitation & Mediation Services: Self-governance, negotiating treaty agreements, joint decision making within bands and tribal councils; there are many potential sources of friction that must be overcome by Indigenous leaders.  The PGP offers free mediation services to help resolve conflict and  facilitation to aid group decision and planning processes.  

Capacity Building:  The PGP offers free training in conflict resolution to local leaders within Indigenous communities.  

Contact us for availability or more details.